Wednesday, December 19, 2012

OG Kid's Christmas Party

Sunday afternoon we went to the Ops Group Kid's Christmas Party at the fire station on base.  There were supposed to be over 200 people there, but thankfully the rain kept some of them away.  I'm not really a crowd person, so I was kind of dreading it, but was pleasantly surprised at how smoothly it went.

Walking in and trying to stay somewhat dry.  

Jumping in the bounce house.

Santa arrived via a T-1.  Jonathan and Cole had the pleasure of going out in the rain and waiting for him while I waited inside. :-)

Waiting in line to see the man in red.

Cheese!  He told Santa he wanted a dino sled.  Anyone know what that is? Me neither! He has been so into dinosaurs lately so I get that, but a sled?  He says some funny stuff though!

Cole says it is fun going to base!  The only time we go to base is for parties so he associates the base with fun!

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Josh's Graduation

We spent the day in Tuscaloosa Saturday to watch Josh graduate from the Engineering School at the University of Alabama.  

We stopped by the University Mall for a bit before graduation and let Cole ride the train.

Sweet boy!

Wasting quarters, I mean having fun, on the mall rides. :-)

About to get on the shuttle to head to Coleman Coliseum for graduation.  

On the shuttle.  Jonathan said it felt like Disney World because we rode the shuttle everywhere on that vacation.  

Cole and Aunt Misty 

Coleman Coliseum as the graduates come in.  

Could have been a good family picture if someone could keep their tongue in their mouth! 

M.B. and Francis (and Chris!).

M.B. and Francis with the graduate.  All three of their kids have graduated from the University of Alabama over the last 10 years (Jonathan being the first) and I know they are so proud, but also so relieved to have all the kids out of college!

Siblings plus Cole!

We went to Cracker Barrel after graduation and Cole was worn out.  He never naps anymore so this was a rare occasion. 

In the Cracker Barrel rocking chairs. 

We all went bowling after we ate and just had fun hanging out and spending time together. 

We are proud of you Josh and so glad we were able to spend this special day with you!

Friday, December 14, 2012

Preschool Christmas Party

Cole had his preschool Christmas party this morning and I really enjoyed it.  The kids in his class sang us several Christmas songs.  It was so cute!

All smiles singing and ringing the bells!

The boys in his class (minus Sam who wasn't there).  Zander, Josh, Cole and Evan.

The whole class.

Love that big smile!

My boy!

Cole and his buddy Evan.

We have been so blessed by Cole's preschool this year!

Thursday, December 13, 2012

December Fun!

We have had a fun December so far!  Here's a little bit of what we have been up to:

Cole and his dad made a Gingerbread House.  Not sure what was up with his face. :-)

Last Friday night we went to the Wassail Fest in downtown Columbus.  All of the shops were open and served free samples of wassail.  That was our first time to have wassail (it tastes alot like apple cider).


Monday night I went to a going away party for my friend Emily (front row, center).  It was at Taste of Art which is local painting place and you can bring in food and drinks.  So even if you don't want to paint you can just hang out and eat and chat.  I chose to paint although I wish I would have just hung out.  My painting was AWFUL...for some reason I thought they sketched it out for you, but nope I was wrong!  I had to free hand it all and art is not my forte!   It was still fun and we had LOTS of laughs!

Tuesday night was our spouse coffee and we had an ornament exchange and treat exchange. I came home with a plate full of yummies!  No wonder I stress out every time I step on the scale. :-)

Cole and I made salt dough ornaments.  They were pretty messy, but turned out really well.

After they cooled I let him and his BFF Chloe paint them.  

My first time seeing a blue and red gingerbread man. :-)

Jonathan also built me this nifty shelf for Cole (and one for Crosby's room too).  I found this same thing in the Pottery Barn catalog for $150.  Mine was about $20!

Saturday night we went to the OSS Christmas Party.  When Jonathan pinned on Major last month they promoted him to flight commander of wing scheduling over in the OSS (operation support squadron).  He is still attached to the 49th and flies with them almost daily.   

On Wednesday Cole's preschool went caroling at the local nursing home.  He was looking so cute before he went so I had to get a picture.  Unfortunately parents weren't invited, but I would have loved to have been there!  

Today was my office Christmas luncheon at the country club.   These are all the agents in the office plus the book keeper and receptionist.  My broker, Doris Hardy, is the one sitting in front in the blue vest.  We all had a really nice lunch together.  

Whew!  What a busy month and it's not even halfway over!  I am really enjoying the season and cherishing (most of the time!) this little life growing inside of me!

Friday, December 7, 2012

Football Party

We went to a football themed birthday party (an Auburn one no less!) last weekend for Cole's friend Tucker.  It was a great day to wear our Alabama gear and Cole finally fits in the custom made jersey that Katie had made for him almost 2 years ago!

Love him!

Playing at the party with his friend, Jack.

It was a really cute party and I should have gotten more pictures, but alas I was too busy chatting with the other moms. :-)

And just for documentations sake (this is a horrible pic, but it was done by a 4 year old so I take what I can get).

25 weeks...