Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Manic Monday

Cole and I headed to the city Monday for some fun time before the blizzard hit and we would be stuck in the house. So, it was off to Bass Pro Shop we went. Cole loves animal (even if they are dead and stuffed) so he loves to go to Bass Pro.

Playing with the ducks.

He is his father's son. :-)

This was the view from Bass Pro Shop of the frozen lake. It was cold and we started getting freezing rain so Cole and I headed home sooner than we normally would so we wouldn't get caught in the weather.

Snack time!

We headed to the mall for lunch and a little more play time before heading home.

I am glad we were able to get out of the house because we have been stuck in it for almost 48 hours! But, thankfully there is an end in sight. The snow stopped, the sun is shining, my neighborhood is plowed and my sweet neighbors shoveled my driveway. 2 feet of snow is no joke!

And of course we are looking forward to Friday!!

1 comment:

  1. Heather & Cole, you're finally on your way to Kansas City to pick up Jonathan.

    Keep safe and we love you guys!
