Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Fall Fun!

Saturday Jonathan was slaving away in the kitchen installing tile backsplash, so my neighbor Jennifer and I took Cole and Chloe to the local fair.  This was the last day it was in town and I had told Cole we would go.  The kids each got armbands and then rode all the rides over and over again!

Waiting in line...

Ready for the tilt a world.   Round and round rides make me motion sick so I was so thankful he had a riding partner besides me. :-)

Our local pumpkin patch (and by local I mean a mile from our house!) opened over the weekend so Cole and I met some friends there for a picnic and playtime.  

Cole and Asher playing in the corn.  

Picnic time...look at all those boys!  :-)

Swinging on the tires.

And the horses.

Then we picked out pumpkins before we left.  We ended up with two orange and two white.  I love the white ones!


And three hours later we headed home. The kids had a blast! For this to be a small town pumpkin patch it was awesome! On the weekends they have a corn maze, hayrides, bonfire, concession stand, etc.  Our squadron is having our First Friday there on October 5 and we will have the whole place to ourselves.  I'm really looking forward to it.   It is fun, free entertainment so I know we will go back many times over the next 6 weeks!

Friday, September 21, 2012

Birthday parties and Donuts

Last weekend was a fun one for birthday parties!  Cole had three parties on Saturday, but unfortunately we could only make it to two because the lil' guy got sick Friday night so we kept him home Saturday morning to make sure he was okay.

The first party was for Cole's friend Hayden. He had a cool Captain America party. 

Here's Cole BFF Chloe (she is our neighbor and these two are seriously inseperable!).

Cole, Chloe and Asher on the slide.

Asher and Cole are good buddies too!

Snacking on some veggies!

After Hayden's party we left and went straight to Eric's party.

Here are Cole and Ava climbing up the giant water slide.  Gotta love the south where you can still have water parties in the middle of September. 


Playing games.

He had a Pokemon party and I thought Eric's mom (my good friend, Dana) did a great job drawing this!

And in other news, Krispy Kreme opened!  :-)  We had to go on opening day, but luckily it wasn't too crowded at the time we went.  Cole even ran into his friend Asher while we were there. 

Yummy goodness!  I had to eat one for the baby of course! :-)

We have made some wonderful friends here so far and we couldn't be more thankful!

Friday, September 14, 2012

Art Class and Soccer

Cole started an art class at the YMCA on Tuesday.  It is a preschool art class (ages 3-5) and it meets for an hour and a half every Tuesday.  I drop him off and then kill time by working out or reading a book.  It is a win, win. :-)

Excited to go in!

After class...the picture on the left is an outdoor picture and the one on the right is a cat.  He does pretty good to only be 4 and loves all things art.  

On Thursday he started soccer in our town, Caledonia.  I was amazed at the number of kiddos spread out all over the ballpark for soccer and football.  Apparently folks from Columbus come to Caledonia just to play sports.   They have a good little program.

He had on his cleats and shinguards and was ready to go!

Cole and his buddy, Ryan (these two played tee ball together on base too).  

Listening to the coach.  

Running and kicking! 

Jonathan was helping coach since there were 10 little kids and only coach.  He did good!

Running some more!

He seemed to really enjoy it and is looking forward to going back next week!

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

What we've been up to...

Here's some of what we've been up to the past week in no particular order (thanks to the computer not uploading them in order!).  :-)

Over the Labor Day weekend we went to Jonathan's parents house to spend time with them.

We spent several hours at Tannehill State Park and now we want to go back and camp.  It is so nice and serene out there.

Cole had a blast wading in the creeks throughout the park.

Me with my wonderful in-laws! I truly love these two people as if they were my own parents.

Cute, little quaint cabins in the park.  These were the craft cabins with things like pottery and quilts for sale.  They also have some cabins for rent.  

Out to lunch for Mexican after church.  It was good!

Cole's fav place...Smackers!  It is a frozen yogurt place where you put on your own toppings.  He loves that part.

Me and my 11 week belly.  I  forgot to do a 12 week one on Monday.  I am amazed (and a little embarrassed!) at how fast my belly popped out this time around.

We also went to the Birmingham Zoo over the holiday weekend.

Feeding the birds.   Cole was a little apprehensive about them landing on him.

Me and my man!

Cole and I went bowling on base after school yesterday.  We had fun!

Wait for it!

Love him!

That about sums us up for the past week or so.  I am looking forward to starting a new Bible Study tomorrow morning at a new church.  I only know a handful of people, but that's not going to stop me! 
:-)  We will be studying Beth Moore's James: Mercy Triumphs.  I have wanted to do this one since it came out last fall so I am super excited!