Thursday, April 24, 2014

Easter 2014

We had a good Easter despite the circumstances of Jonathan not being with us.  We have been staying busy which helps pass the time and distract us all!

Crosby sporting his cute Easter outfit made by the talented Sandy in our squadron.

Cole had a HUGE wad of bubble gum in his mouth during our photo taking session.  This is our season of life so why make him spit it out?  ;-)

Cole did a good job taking our picture.

And then neither boy wanted to look at the camera.  But, aren't my azaleas beautiful?  I love this time of year!

Easter basket goodies!  Cole learned the Easter bunny isn't real.  He kept asking if I bought him the stuff in his basket so finally I asked him if he really thought a BUNNY came into the house and left goodies?  And he said boy!  It is a little far fetched to believe anyway so I was happy he caught on.

Crosby got some fun stuff too!

He is so handsome and so grown up!  He is truly turning in to such a sweet, helpful little boy. He loves our neighbor Chloe so much and is so caring, especially when it comes to her! I always want to remember these days (except for all the mud and dirt I clean up!).  

And these pictures are so Cole because he NEVERS wears shoes, despite my constant telling him to wear them.  It's a battle I am starting to give up on fighting.

We had Easter dinner at our friend Dana's house just like we did last year.  It's crazy the difference a year makes when you have little ones!

It goes without saying, but I am thankful for Jesus and the reason why we celebrate Easter to begin with.  We are so blessed!

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Field Trip and Easter Party

Cole had a field trip last Thursday to the Buffalo Park and Zoo in Tupelo.   I dropped Crosby off at baby school so it was nice to have one on one with Cole.

Cole and his friend Ryder.

Sweet thing!

Mawmaw and Pawpaw went with us too which was a treat!

This baby goat was SO cute. I would have taken him home with me if I could have. :-)

He didn't know what to think of all the kids.

Friday afternoon was our squadron Easter party. One of the couples in our squadron live on 80 acres, complete with a fishing pond so that is where the party was.  He was ready for the egg hunt to begin.

Pawpaw went with us to the party and Mawmaw stayed home with Crosby.  I was able to visit with friends and not chase a baby around so that was nice! :-)

Cole and Pawpaw caught a fish!

So proud!

Then it was off to play with the chickens.  We are planning to get chickens when Jonathan gets home so this was good practice. ;-)

And just a cute pic of Crosby from the park yesterday.  The weather was beautiful so we played outside all afternoon.  

Monday, April 14, 2014

Spring Fun!

Cole and Asher after having fun in the mud!

Sweet friends helping clean each other off! 

Cole had his first baseball game last Thursday night. 

Ready to play ball! 

His classmate and teammate Jade.

Batter up! He did so good and hit the ball each time he was up to bat!

Crosby enjoyed sitting in Chloe's chair and eating goldfish.  He would start clapping and cheering when everyone did.  It was so cute!

Saturday morning I took Cole, Chloe and Crosby to the base egg hunt.  It was wet and yucky, but the kids had fun so mission accomplished!

Crosby had fun hunting eggs too!

And putting them in his mouth.

 Found one!

Sweet brothers who won't both look at the camera at the same time! :-)

Yum! Twix bars are good! :-)

He found some eggs!

Saturday was a busy day and Crosby didn't nap in the afternoon which resulted in falling asleep while eating dinner.  At least he ate most of his dinner before passing out. :-)

We have been staying busy and enjoying the nice weather we have had lately!

Monday, April 7, 2014

Weekend Fun

The worst part of deployments and TDY's are by far the weekend!  So with that in mind, we tend to try and stay busy on the weekend so we don't have time to focus on Jonathan not being here with us!

Last weekend we had Chloe's pageant in the morning time and then took of to Tupelo after it was over. The Tupelo mall has a nice indoor play area that is fun for both the boys.  I let them play and then I shopped a little bit.  And by shop, I mean get in and out of the stores as fast as possible. :-) No trying on, no thinking about it, just buying it and then returning it later if necessary!  Such is the life with two wiggly little boys!

Cole had been wanting to try this trampoline thing so he took his own money to pay for it. I am hoping he can learn the value of a dollar!

He was so excited.  We waited quite a while, but I think it was worth it for him!

Cole started baseball! He had his first practice last week and his first game is this Thursday.  He has come a long way since last year.

Sweet Crosby eating a cheerio at the park last week.  My friend took this picture.

This past weekend was the Air show on base.  The CDC had childcare (which was awesome!) so Cole and I had a fun day together.  

Sitting on the C-17.

Chilling in the stroller.  He NEVER gets to ride in the stroller because Crosby is always in it (and he is really too big for it), but he sure enjoyed getting to relax.

Being silly as usual!

The mighty A-10.  Oh how I miss seeing these flying overhead!

We left the air show early afternoon and went and picked up Crosby and then went to a friends house on base to watch the Thunderbirds. Crosby enjoyed the park.  

Watching the Thunderbirds!

Cole has been wanting to go to the Japanese steakhouse so I took him and Crosby after church yesterday.  

We had the whole table to ourselves!

Cole and our chef, Roy.

Crosby loved the food!  He ate so much rice and also the chicken and veggies.  The floor got fed quite a bit of rice too. I felt bad for the people that had to clean it up.  I even offered to clean it for them!  :-)

We are almost to the halfway point of this deployment!  Woohoo!