Monday, May 17, 2010

Rainy Day

The title to this post should really read "Rainy Days" or "Rainy Weeks" or even just "Rainy May". We had a beautiful April, but May has just been downright nasty. Wet, cold, muggy, etc. Usually we get outside any chance we can get (even if just for a short time during break from the rain). But Saturday it rained ALL day long. So, we had to find ways to stay entertained in doors all day long. Kaitlyn spent most of the day at our house, which is nice because she gives Cole constant attention and me a break.

Here are some things we did to keep occupied.

Blowing bubbles in the garage

Yummy, unhealthy lunch at McDonald's

Messes like this reiterate why I like to play outside!

Cooking some lunch

Rough housing with Daddy (his face cracks me up)

While I am thankful we were able to spend the day together as a family I am also so ready for some sunny, warm Spring weather! Come on Mother Nature, get it together! :-)

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