On Saturday, our last day in Alabama, we headed to the BJCC for Monster Jam. Cole likes cars and trucks so I thought he would really enjoy it. I was right for the most part...he enjoyed what he saw, but unfortunately it started right during nap time so Cole slept through almost the entire thing. We did have pit passes (thanks, Jay!) so we were able to go down before the show started and meet the drivers, check out the trucks, etc.
Cole, Bayler and Maclaire with the Bad News truck

Me and Steph and Bayler too

Cole and Uncle Jay Jay (please excuse what the red eye removal did to Cole's eye). Cole loves his uncle!

Bayler with the Reptoid truck and driver
Cole picking up the dirt...imagine that!

Not a great picture, be we tried.

Eating an overpriced snow cone

It was LOUD, but the headphones did the trick!

There was just a little dirt in there! :-)

I believe I enjoyed the truck show just as much as the kids! The motorcycles about gave me a heart attack, but I made it through and thankfully they did too! :-)