Thursday, October 20, 2011

Cuteness and Crafts

Just some recent cute pictures of my little man...

Entertaining himself in the tub with stuff from the kitchen. In addition to the measuring cups, he also had spoons and other cooking utensils. You gotta get creative around here apparently. :-)

Before Bible Study Wednesday morning...

Coloring some Halloween pictures we scored from the library!

A new self-serve yogurt place (Orange Leaf) opened up right outside the base. Cole and I love some yogurt and we love picking out all our favorite toppings.

Here is Cole's has cherries, strawberries, sprinkles and some chocolate topped with strawberry syrup and paired with cotton candy yogurt. He has quite the taste! :-)

Cole has been on a puzzle kick lately. We have acquired LOTS of them since being here. Here is the latest one he and his dad put together.

I have been in a crafty mood lately (thankfully Hobby Lobby is only about 3 miles away), but unfortunately I have no craft supplies here with me so I am pretty limited.

I made Cole's teachers a little thank you gift to give them when we leave. It is little jars filled with candy with a thank you tag and their initial on the front.

I also made Cole an advent calendar. Each of the pockets contain a tag with an activity to do that day.

A couple of the cards:

Send a card to a person in need.

And watch a Christmas movie as a family. Some others include making an ornament, gingerbread house, visiting Santa, visiting the grandparents, etc. I think it will be fun and really hope Cole enjoys it!

I also made some cute little headbands. Since I don't need four of them I figure a few will go for Christmas presents.

I am SO ready for Christmas for many reasons...Jonathan is home this year, Cole is getting bigger and can really enjoy it, we will be in our new house and this will be the first year we will be in our own house on Christmas morning. We plan to do Santa at home with Cole and then head to Alabama mid-morning. How nice it will be to be so close to home!

1 comment:

  1. how in the world did you make such a CUTE advent calendar with NONE of your craft supplies??? I am VERY impressed! That is precious!!! We are doing a similar idea with the advent calendar w/scripture & activity cards for MLM...where did you find your list of activities?? And girl do you know how jealous I am that Hobby Lobby is only 3 miles away???? My eyes are green with envy :)
