Cole and I have had a good, but tiring week of VBX (Vacation Bible Extreme) at our church Evangel. It was from 8-12 which made for early mornings for both of us. I was a leader for the red team and we had about 25 kids on our team ranging from ages 6-12. Cole wasn't old enough for VBX, but since I was a leader they let him be on my team.
Here are some pictures from our week:
Snack time was outside and they had chalk, balls and frisbees for the kids to play with.
One of the kids, Gabe, drew Cole a car. :-)
Game time! They had to jump the tape and after each jump the tape got moved farther and farther apart.
Cole and I before heading out on Wednesday.
Having fun!
Getting ready to play the noodle game!
Craft time!
Cole and Emma Kate eating popsicles. Cole became friends with her and stayed with her the whole week. She just turned 10 and has a 2 month old baby about an age difference! Unfortunately, she goes to First Baptist and not our church so we probably won't see her again. :-(
Eating a candy bar with the money he spent at the store. Throughout the weeks the kids earned VBX bucks for things like bringing their Bible, team spirit, bringing friends, etc. and then each day we went to the store and they could spend their money. Some things were more expensive the kids saved all week and bought stuff today.
This VBX was different than what I was used to at my last church in Missouri, but it was still fun. We had 350 kids come throughout the week so it was pretty big!