Monday, August 19, 2013

5 months

Crosby turned 5 months old yesterday!

Mr. Blue Eyes

So happy!

Here's some things he has been up to this past month:

I put together his Jumperoo and he has been enjoying it. His feet can't quite touch the ground, but once they do I think he will really have fun in it!

I have Cole's old exersauser in my bedroom and he hangs out in it while I get ready in the mornings.

Big smiles!

Napping before church last Sunday.  And speaking of sleep, this little stinker still gets up twice a night to eat.  I keep telling myself...this too shall pass.  I just don't have the heart to let him cry it out (not yet anyway) so we just keep on keeping on.  :-)

Love these boys more than I ever knew was possible!

Crosby found his feet last week and he has been loving eating them every chance he gets. :-) 

Hanging out with his feet and Roxy!

I also have him rice cereal last week. He has eaten it a couple of times since.  I haven't given it to him everyday yet, but he is enjoying getting some food. He still nurses about 8 times a day, but is really starting to show interest in food.  

We are all enjoying sweet Crosby!

Friday, August 9, 2013


We went to the school on Tuesday night for Open House.  Cole met his teacher, Jessica Lott, and checkout his classroom.

He is excited to be a kindergartener!

First day of school!  August 7, 2013.

Sitting in his seat like a big boy!

And this was actually taken today before school, but I didn't have the chalkboard ready on the first day! :-) 

I hope you love kindergarten Cole!

Random happenings

Just some random phone pictures...

A sweet sleeping baby.  Crosby rarely takes a pacifier (although he is in this pic!) so I've been trying to get him attached to a lovey.  So far, so good.  

I made homemade biscuits one night thanks to my mother-in-law's recipe and instruction.  They turned out really good!

Chloe wanted to have "baby training" (as she called it) last week.  I let her hold Crosby (with my supervision of course!), change his diaper and play with him.  

Of course Cole wanted a turn too! I had my hand under his because Crosby is heavy!

Cole made his very own PB&J.   Little man is so independent and grown these days!

Crosby sportin' his TOMS before the OSS picnic last Friday.

While in Birmingham last week I took Cole to a cool indoor trampoline place called Airwalk.  Crosby wasn't too impressed. :-)

Ready to jump in the foam pit...

Here he goes.  

Mawmaw and Pawpaw went to which was nice because they watched Crosby so I could play with Cole.  It was a fun time!

We've had a great summer and are a little sad to see it end.   But, every new beginning comes from some other beginnings end!