Wow, what a weekend full of Halloween festivities and lots of candy eating (and the weekend isn't over yet)! We started out Friday by heading downtown for trick or treating with Katie and Ty. The local businesses hand out candy to the kids. It was fun, but there was TONS of kids. You literally had to wait in line just to get candy. A little crazy for me, but we did get some candy and Cole seemed to have fun checking out all the costumes so mission accomplished.
My sweet boy!
And he's off! :-)
He got the hang of it pretty quickly!
On Saturday morning we headed to the Kansas City Zoo. Cole had been wanting to go so I figured this was as good a time as any to head there one more time before the weather turns cold. Boy was I wrong. The zoo had Halloween stuff and there were a zillion kids dressed in costumes. It was such a madhouse that we didn't get to see too many animals. So, we may still try and go back again within the next couple of weeks when it won't be so crazy.
I did manage to get one picture of him with a pumpkin.
Then Saturday night we went to a kid's Halloween party at a friends house. Cole had a blast eating, jumping on the trampoline and playing games.
The pinata. Cole had a bat in hand and hit this thing with some gusto. Unfortunately I didn't get a picture.
We have had a great Halloween weekend so far and are looking forward to finishing it off tonight with friends, fun and of course CANDY! :-)