Sunday, October 20, 2013

7 months!

Sweet Mr. Crosby is over half year old now!  I can hardly believe it!

We went for a walk in the park the other day and he went from this...

to this! :-) I am thinking he wasn't too crazy about being all bundled up, but it was chilly on Friday morning. 

Here are a few pictures from his 7 month birthday this past Friday.  

Love him and his chubby cheeks to pieces! 

He is all the time chewing on his bottom lip like the is in this picture.  He still doesn't have any teeth so I am thinking this is the cause of the lip chewing.  

7 months hasn't been a whole different than 6 months as far as milestones go.  He sits up really well and can go from sitting to the crawling position (but not back up yet!)  He nurses about every 3 hours during the day and usually once or twice at night.  I know I should stop feeding him at night, but it's just so convenient!  He eats solids once a day at dinnertime.  I'm sure we will start more solids soon, but our days are so crazy that dinnertime is the easiest for now.  He had a Urinary Tract Infection about 3 weeks ago and that was no fun! :-(  He was running a fever so I took him to the doctor where he was diagnosed with an ear infection and given some amoxicillin.  Well, 3 days went by and he still had a fever (except it was getting up to 104 this time) so I called the doctor back and she ordered labs.  After a blood test, chest x-ray, urinalysis and swab for flu and RSV, he was diagnosed with a UTI.  He received a couple antibiotic shots and was better in a day or two.  He had an ultrasound done on his kidneys on Thursday and I should get results from that tomorrow. I am sure everything is fine, but the doctor just wanted to make sure nothing out of the ordinary was going on that caused the UTI.

We all got flu shots last week so I am hoping for a healthy winter ahead!

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