Cole had his first dentist appointment this morning and he did GREAT! I was a little apprehensive as to how he would do so I was pleasantly surprised. I have been telling him for a few weeks now that he had a dentist appointment coming up. I think preparing him helped immensely.
Getting his teeth all clean before we left the house...
At the dentist's office. We went to a pediatric dentist so their office was full of toys and fun things for kids.
Getting ready to get his teeth cleaned. He picked bubble gum flavor for the polishing and cotton candy for the flouride.
All done!
After his appointment we ran a few errands and then rewarded ourselves with Chick-fil-A. It was great as usual!
After that it was off to the mall. I had a few stores I needed to run in and Cole loves to play and ride the carousel there. So it was a win/win for both of us.
We had a good day together and now it is packing time as we prepare to head to Alabama Wednesday. We can't wait to see our family and head out on our cruise. I have a feeling Jonathan and I won't know what to do with ourselves on our vacation, but I bet we will figure it out. :-)
God has blessed us so much and to Him be all the glory!
Looks like Cole's first dental visit was a huge success.