Tuesday, March 2, 2010


Cole has been experiencing a serious desire for independence lately. While this is a positive thing, it can also make for more messes (and headaches) for mom and dad.

Here's an example involving a container of yogurt. And please don't expect a one year old to actually need help getting the yogurt from his spoon to his mouth. Below is the evolution of a tantrum! :-)

1. Yogurt

2. Daddy trying to help Cole with the yogurt

3. Cole clearly in distress

4. Still upset!

5. Was it really worth all that?

Just so you know, I often times DO let Cole have his own yogurt at the table, but it is a huge mess and this particular day we required he let us help him and this is the result.

I will leave you with a happy picture of our spunky child doing a dance with Elmo. Lalalala, lalalala, Elmo's World. Consider yourself lucky if you don't know this song! :-)

1 comment:

  1. Must have got those tantrums from his moms side of the family :-)~
