Thursday, November 25, 2010

Thanksgiving Day

Cole and I started our Thanksgiving out in the kitchen. We made pumpkin pie, sweet potato casserole and mac and cheese.

He was very happy to be helping me. This is his newest smile when I tell him to say cheese. It cracks me up. You will see it multiple times in this post alone.

And here he was eating pure sugar. I stopped this shortly after the photo. The last thing a high energy 2 year old needs is pure sugar!

Getting ready to head over to Carisa's for lunch. The cheese face again. :-)

Showing off his cute turkey shirt courtesy of I love that site!

Cole, Andrew and Adam eating the sugar covered pecans. They sure were good!

Mommy and her turkey

Topping off the meal with a turkey cookie

Getting ready for bed in his new Christmas PJ's. The shirt says, Dear Santa, Define Good. Very appropriate for this mischievous lil' guy.

We had a good Thanksgiving and are so, so blessed! I will admit it was very hard being apart from Jonathan today. After 10 years together we have never missed a holiday so this being the first was especially tough.

I am looking forward to spending Christmas in Alabama with all of our family!


  1. I love the new "cheese" face! I don't think it could get any better!

  2. I couldn't agree more misty that "chees" face is GREAT! Happy late thanksgiving heather. :-P

  3. Your family in Alabama is really looking forward to ya'll coming for the holidays!
    We love you guys and Jonathan, too!
